
How do I find work experience?

1. Choose a career to explore

Have a flick through our list of construction careers and explore what construction jobs interest you the most – you can filter this list by your interests, school subjects and ideal work environment to match jobs to you.

2. Talk to a career counsellor

If you’re a school student, the best way to find work experience is through your school. Have a chat to your school’s career counsellor – they know of local businesses that gladly accept work experience students, and can guide you through the steps to apply.

3. Start reaching out

If you’re no longer at school, do some research and find construction businesses related to the jobs you’re interested in. Contact the businesses directly (for larger construction companies, contact their HR department) and express your interest in joining them for work experience. Look for businesses that offer structured work experience programs – this shows they are committed to helping you learn.

4. Word of mouth

Ask people in your personal networks if they know of local construction businesses that will take on work experience candidates or that could use some extra help in exchange for learning.

5. Look online

Explore active listings, job portals like Seek, Indeed or Workforce Australia, or even construction groups on social media.

What's next?

Once you’ve found a business to take you on as a work experience candidate, follow their directions on how you should apply for the position. Smaller businesses may not have official procedures in place, but might want to speak to you on the phone or meet with you in person. Larger companies with structured work experience programs may require you to submit a resume and cover letter to apply.

If you’re a school student, there are official procedures you’ll need to follow – chat to your career counsellor and teachers about what paperwork you and your work experience provider will need to sign. The Queensland Government’s Work experience placements for school students procedure will give you more information on the process, and the responsibilities of students, schools and work experience providers.

Make the most of your work experience opportunity

Get all the details:

Get all the information you need about your work experience provider before you start, like what hours you’ll work, what clothes to wear and what equipment you’ll need. Knowing what to expect will help you feel more prepared and confident on your first day.

Show up and do your best:

Work experience opportunities can sometimes lead to job offers, so make sure you do your best, listen, ask questions and look for opportunities to show your great attitude. You’ll need to follow everything in your work experience agreement, which includes things like showing up on time, following safety protocols and treating your work mates with respect. Remember that your workplace has responsibilities too, so if you’ve got any concerns, have a chat to your school, parents or FairWork Australia.

Good luck and have fun exploring what a career in construction can look like for you!