
How to apply for a cadetship or graduate program?

1. Find the opportunities

Explore construction companies, engineering and architecture firms, or government organisations known for offering cadetship or graduate programs. Check their websites, job portals, or even industry publications for information on open positions and details on cadetship or graduate programs.

2. Review eligibility criteria

Get across the requirements and eligibility criteria for the programs you’re interested in, including any specific qualifications, coursework, skills and experience they are looking for in their applicants.

3. Prepare and submit your application

Create or update your resume, making sure you list your education, coursework, internships, and any experience you have in construction, engineering or architecture. Write a brief letter expressing your interest in the cadetship or graduate program, why you are a suitable candidate, and how you meet the program requirements. Don’t stress if you don’t have any work experience; you can list some of your achievements, times you’ve shown leadership or initiative, or any volunteer work you’ve completed.

4. Submit your application

Follow the instructions to submit your application. Most companies will ask you to submit your application through their online job portal or by email. It’s important that you send through your application by the due date for the best chance that your application will be seen and move onto the next steps.

5. Attend interviews and assessments

If the company selects your application, you may be invited to attend an interview and to complete assessment activities like an aptitude test or group exercises. These activities help the company learn about you and understand if you’re suitable for the program. Prepare by researching the company and industry, practicing interview questions, how you can best describe your achievements, skills and knowledge of your chosen field.

6. Follow-up and wait for a response

It’s great idea to send a thank-you email to the company after your interview or completing your assessments. This tells the business you appreciate and are excited about the opportunity. Sometimes it can take a little while before you hear back from the company, so it’s important to be patient. If you like, you can ask the company in your interview, or in a polite email afterwards, when you can expect to hear back from them.