
How to support your child in selecting a career path?


Your child may come to you looking for guidance on what they should do for their career. Choosing a career path can be a stressful and uncertain time for your child, but it can feel just as stressful when they rely on you to provide guidance and solutions. If your child needs help deciding which direction to move in, here’s a few things you can do to help them make the best choice for their future.

1. Research

There are so many careers out there, sometimes it’s difficult to know where to begin. Before they make any big decisions about their future, it’s vital that they have done their own research across a range of career pathways. The construction industry offers careers for many skillsets and interests. While it’s important that your child does their own research, you can help direct them to the right resources.

Not sure where to start?

We have a range of resources with some handy information on careers in the industry.

Explore Careers

2. Contact their school

This is particularly important if they are considering a school-based apprenticeship or traineeship, but it can be a great source of information for other pathways too. Their school can let you know if there are any career specific programs on offer and provide advice about which subjects to choose. The school’s career counsellors can also help answer any questions about specific entry requirements, and let you know of any apprenticeship or traineeship opportunities available through the school.

3. Encourage exploration

Encourage your child to explore different interests, hobbies, and activities. Encourage them to try new things, join clubs, participate in community activities, and pursue internships or part-time jobs related to their interests. Career expos can also be a great place to learn more about different pathways. They can also help your child meet potential employers in a safe space and start networking with other young people who might be going through the same challenges. You may even like to go along too and gather information to help their journey.

4. Listen and communicate

Take time to listen to your child’s thoughts about their future. Ask open-ended questions to understand their aspirations, values, and goals. Encourage them to express their concerns, fears, and dreams and make sure you’re open and supportive, even if their ideas don’t line up perfectly with your own expectations.

5. Emphasise lifelong learning

Highlight the importance of continuous learning and personal growth throughout their career. Remind your child to stay curious, seek new knowledge, and adapt to change. Reinforce that career paths can evolve over time, and they should remain open to new possibilities.


With your help and support, your child is more likely to pick a career pathway that’s right for them. It’s important to encourage them to complete their own research and take as much ownership of the process as possible – this is their opportunity to explore, learn and choose.